Thursday, 16 January 2014


Sorry for the hiatus in blogs but we have both been taking advantage of the NHS
for a while. We should last ‘til Easter with a bit of luck. In the meantime here’s a bit
of nonsense to go with the rest--- a prose poem if you like;-

    It was your hair that did it. I’m usually shy but seeing you under the beach shower rinsing the sea from that cascade of copper and gold made me bold and you didn’t seem to mind when I offered to dry it though you said it would dry soon enough in that heat but you let me buy you an ice cream and when I said that your hair was beautiful you said that you were thinking of having it cut as it could be a nuisance which made me sad and I quoted from Corinthians one chapter eleven verse fifteen “if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her and you said that that sounds as if it was written by a man who didn’t have to look after it and worry about finding the right conditioner and stop it getting in his food and everywhere and I just wanted to weave it through my fingers and bury my face in it and luckily we sat next to each other on the plane coming back and a strand or two brushed my cheek and I told you about Baudelaire having a thing about hair and you asked if he was some kind of pervert and you couldn’t wait to get back and go to some decent shops and your nails needed doing again before you went to the disco awards but you agreed to see me when we got back which made me so excited or over the moon as you would say but I waited over an hour tonight and when you didn’t arrive I rang your number and your mother told me that you said that you were very sorry for not turning up but you were washing your hair.

                Frank B

                Frank B


  1. So good. Once again, I'm left nodding my head and laughing at the end. It's really descriptive; I like how the almost stream of consciousness style, "in the moment", has me right in the guy's head seeing, smelling, touching, her hair. It's a very clever combination of sensory detail and women's brushing off (ha pun not originally intended) or their dismissal of men, who have absolutely no idea of the trouble we go to on a daily basis to look good!!
    Glad you both are doing okay. :-)

    1. it is nice to have a fan at last
      frank b !

  2. And it was only after I hit "publish" that I scrolled back up and saw, and fully appreciated, the title!! I hadn't when I'd used the term 'brush off' in my comment!! I'm just a bit slow...
